Workplace Illness, Injury & Accommodations

Protecting workers after an occupational injury or illness

In 2013, Ontario celebrated 100 years since Sir William R. Meredith tabled his report on workers’ compensation systems with recommendations in the legislature, outlining the principles on which our system of workers’ compensation is still based today.

Workplaces should be as safe as possible; no worker should ever be killed, injured, or made ill on the job. It is also important that workers who do experience workplace injury or illness are fairly compensated, receive appropriate medical care and are supported in returning to work with any necessary accommodations. In Ontario, this happens through the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB).

When you follow all of the processes for WSIB reporting, employers are held accountable, which helps make our workplaces safer. Reporting exposures alerts the system to claims that may come up in the future. Reporting workplace accidents and occupational illnesses helps ensure the hazards that caused those injuries and illnesses are addressed or eliminated. And making sure that workers receive the compensation to which they are entitled motivates employers to save money by preventing these incidents in the first place.

If you have been exposed to something at work that might make you sick in the future, if you have been injured in a workplace incident, or if you have become ill from something that happened at work, you should ensure that the proper WSIB paperwork is completed.

If you are having trouble with a WSIB claim that is being denied or you are not receiving the support or accommodations to which you are entitled as a result of a workplace illness/injury, speak to your ETFO local office or contact the ETFO Professional Relations Services WSIB staff-on-duty at 1-888-838-3836.

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