Provincial Working Group on Health and Safety


New plans for dealing with workplace violence

The Ministry of Labour (MOL) and the Ministry of Education (EDU) have taken important new steps to work with ETFO and other education partners on dealing with workplace violence in Ontario’s publicly funded schools.  The Ministries have begun a consultation process with the Provincial Working Group on Health and Safety (PWGHS) with a plan to develop new guidance materials; to improve access to needed information; and to improve reporting requirements. Ministry of Labour inspectors will be getting more training for dealing with workplace violence in school boards. Ministry of Labour staff will be meeting with all school boards in 2017/2018 to review their duties under the Occupational Health and Safety Act. In addition, the Ministry of Education has confirmed its commitment to the production of a new resource for dealing with students who have challenging behaviours. These new plans for dealing with workplace violence were set out in a letter from the Ministers of Labour and Education to the PWGHS.

For further information on the PWGHS’s High Temperature Guideline and heat related to hot weather go to the Workplace Hazards submenu Heat.