Got construction?
There is a very good reason that contractors wear protective equipment when they are knocking down a wall or installing a floor. They want to stay healthy, and the law requires that their boss makes sure they work safely. Construction activities like demolition, renovation and maintenance could put your health at risk in the school where you work. Your ETFO local and the Joint Health and Safety Committee can work with the school board before the project starts to make sure that precautions are in place to protect you from dust, fumes and noise. During the project, the school board and the construction company have to make sure you are protected from construction hazards. At best, construction work is scheduled during the summer, on weekends or outside of the school day. At worst, you are putting up with it right now. If you are concerned about dust, fumes, noise and other hazards relating to construction work at your school, then report your concerns in writing to the principal. Tell your steward and your health and safety representative. Get in touch with your ETFO local for more support. Don’t put your health on hold!
Don’t let asphalt fumes ruin the school day
When spring approaches school boards will set up their asphalt paving and roofing contracts. The best time to schedule asphalt paving or roofing is during the summer or on a weekend. Asphalt fumes are toxic and can make people ill. The fumes are heavier than air and flow into the building through ventilation systems, windows and doors. When asphalt fumes are an immediate concern, report the hazard to your principal. It’s the principal’s job to investigate and deal with your report. Tell your steward and your health and safety representative. Get in touch with your ETFO local for more support. Hot asphalt is not part of instructional day!

- Breathing Easy – Dust and fumes may harm your health. ETFO Voice, October 2010
- Indoor Air Quality – Tools for Schools Action Kit for Canadian Schools, Health Canada, 2003
- Maintaining Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ) during Construction and Renovation, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2020
- Guideline – Silica on Construction Projects, Ministry of Labour, 2011
- More info - Asbestos
- More Info - Construction